PT Gym is a PT clinic/gym hybrid serving the community to help bridge
the gap between traditional medical care and wellness.

PT Gym or “Post Therapy Gym”
PT Gym or “Post Therapy Gym” will provide a new venue for individuals coping with or recovering from mobility issues or illness to exercise in a safe and supervised way. The goal is for this population to have confidence in knowing that they can come to a gym environment to carry out exercises to help maintain their maximum function in order to maintain or gain quality of life. Typical gyms are not equipped to handle patients with mobility issues and certainly do not provide adequate guidance and supervision to allow for the effective execution of an exercise program. *Gym members should have clearance from their medical doctors to participate in general wellness/exercise.
Curated Equipment:
PT Gym has state of the art strength equipment that is designed to be easy on the joints and allow for safe starts at low resistances.

Cardio equipment designed for ease of accessibility.
PT Gym chose Hur Strength Equipment because they lead the industry in research to improve active aging. Their unique combination of technology and machinery means PT Gym members only need to wave their wristband over the screen to have their machine adjust to their personal settings.
“HUR innovates using research-driven solutions, helping the world’s population to actively age and remain strong for life.
We use technology and data combined with pneumatics to produce decisive health outcomes”
PT Gym will utilize the Smart Balance system to allow members to train their own balance in a safe and smart way.

State of the art smart touch Hur strength equipment.
PT Gym has selected cardio equipment such as the Scifit Latitude Lateral Stability Trainer to provide training in multiple planes, beyond the typical cycle or stepper.
Low profile treadmills, exercise mats, and parallel bars are just some of the other equipment available that will make PT Gym feel like the perfect environment for our members.
Help when it’s needed:
PT Gym members may come at any level of fitness. PT Gym wants to meet you where you are at – whether you feel relatively healthy or are wheelchair bound. If you want to avoid some of the pitfalls of aging or just want to continue your positive momentum after discharge from a formal Physical Therapy or Rehab program, we are here to help! During all open gym hours, we will have someone on the floor who is skilled in this area of fitness and available to help transition between equipment or guide a general exercise program incorporating the 4 areas of fitness: Strength, Flexibility, Cardio, and Balance. This environment will feel safe for senior individuals who have done the research and know that movement and exercise will help them live longer and healthier lives, but they don’t know where to start, they don’t want to pump iron next to sweaty 20-somethings, or they’ve gotten bored of the 4 recumbent bikes and the chair yoga over at the Senior Center.
Two classes will be offered daily M-F (at 10 am and 1 pm) that will provide a variety of appropriate challenges and accountability for PT Gym members. Strength, flexibility, yoga, balance, and cardio classes will rotate along with interesting and fun challenges. PT Gym recommends the optimum number of 2-3 classes per week to maximize the return on your investment of time and energy! It is no doubt that individuals who engage in community are more successful, and nothing is more heartwarming that watching people lift each other up. If you look around, you will always see someone doing a little better than you and you will always see someone doing a little worse. You never know what YOUR presence, hard work, and attitude might do to encourage someone else! We can find healing in groups and personal connections and sometimes that is just as important as the exercise!
In Summary:
PT Gym will provide continuity in care for many members of the community as they discharge out of rehabs and skilled therapy programs. It will provide a tailored environment for geriatric members of the community who would like to exercise in a more social environment. Stay and have a cup of coffee and play a game of dominoes or cards if you like! PT Gym will serve the community in a new and exciting way and aim to empower individuals to manage the risk factors for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, dementia, and other critical illnesses. PT Gym will strive to reduce or prevent hospitalizations from falls and deteriorating function due to immobility/inactivity. The benefits of this continuity of care will also help to slow or stop the cycle of rehospitalizations that is placing an expensive strain on our medical system and certainly affecting the quality of life for many individuals caught in the revolving door. It is PT Gym’s great privilege to serve McKinney and the surrounding areas in this way.
Is PT Gym a fit for me?
One ideal customer for the PT Gym is the individual over 60 who is seeking optimal function through exercise. This individual is mostly healthy and is seeking to avoid many of the common ailments related to aging including falls, cardiac disease, stroke, diabetes, and dementia.
Another ideal customer for the PT Gym is the individual who is already coping with an illness or recovering from a recent surgery or hospitalization. The person who has suffered a stroke or undergone an amputation or has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s or any number of life changing events will know all too well how important a place like PT Gym can be for their ongoing health. The data is clear, studies report that 1 in 4 people aged 65 and older will fall each year, leading to 800,000 hospitalizations annually. Strokes affect 800,000 people per year also and 75% of these strokes occur in people over age 65. Physical inactivity is a leading risk factor for stroke, vascular disease, diabetes, and falls. Evidence abounds to support regular exercise in the 65 and older crowd.
Am I a good fit?
- Have you been recently discharged from a rehab or outpatient therapy clinic, but feel like you need to continue on your rehab journey? Yes PT Gym is perfect for you
- Have you been told you have a max number of therapy visits and you’ve used them all up, but you still need help to reach your prior level of function? Yes PT Gym is perfect for you
- Do you enjoy exercising and socializing with other individuals facing mobility challenges and building community together? Yes, we want YOU at PT Gym
- Do you like the idea of exercise, but feel nervous or unsure about what to do at a big box gym and you’d like a little bit of supervision to make sure you are exercising safely? Yes, Come to PT Gym
- Are you reasonably healthy, but you’ve seen the effects of aging on friends and family members, and you’ve decided to invest in your health to create resilience so that you can bounce back more easily when life sends health challenges your way? Yes, come to PT Gym!
- Do you enjoy working out, but you need accessible equipment to make your exercise more safe like parallel bars or elevated mats or wheelchair accessible equipment? Yes, come to PT Gym!
- Do you enjoy the option of either working out on your own time or working out with a group and a leader? Yes, come to PT Gym

The smart balance machine helps to track and train balance.